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Asthanga Yoga Retreat
Mallorca, July 22nd - 29th 2023


In this 7 nights and 8 days, we will go through some of the things that you don’t get to learn in a Mysore room. While we know how attached your are to your practice, we also know how much more you want to learn and explore. Together we will go deep into a focused understanding of ashtanga philosophy so that you can apply those theoretical tools in your everyday practice. 

This retreat is focused into learning as much possible, but at the same time you will be having a beautiful time away and deep relaxation.




08.30 Mysore Practice +Pranayama
11.30 Brunch
Free time 
16.00 Workshop
18.00 Dinner

Check in at 3pm
Check out at 9am


Prices from €1,300

Let us know if you would like us to create a payment plan for you.


The Workshops

Philosophy | We will answer some of the most important questions. What Ashtanga Yoga is? Where and when did it begin? Key principles and yoga practice. What is the purpose of this practice?  Who created it? Benefits of the Ashtanga practice. What are the yoga sutras? Focusing on the 8 limbs.


Bandhas | What are the bandhas? How many they are? What is the purpose of using them?


Pranayama | Breath control. We will go through some basic breathing exercises. The breath we use for practising ashtanga and also different ways of breathing that calms down the nervous system.


Lightness in your practice and how to achieve it | The breath is the key to find lightness, easiness, steadiness, deep relaxation, inner strength, better flexibility... We will put breath and posture together in to movement and go through posture to posture. Learning that the way you breath can make your practice much easier or much harder,.

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Jump through and jump back | They are hard for everyone. Together we will find the way to make it possible. First we need to understand what those movements are and break them down, get to find the key points to work on, put them together and then get to work towards success. This workshop will not be easy but it will  definitely get you closer to make this happen.


Learn how to float. This is something that everyone is really wondering how and that they would love to also do. Get to know the tips and tricks to float in to headstands, to any transitions and handstands....


Backbends | Backbends are challenging for everyone. They bring everything up in the surface. We all get to go through our deepest fears, we cry, we become aggressive, not able to sleep, very hipper, joyful... Deep cleansing of the nervous system and rising the energy up the spine that removes the blockages on the way up.

The Location

Balearic Retreats

Mallorca, Spain

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